Iced Maple Coffee Punch

You like maple syrup on your pancakes, don’t you? Well imagine that flavor combined with our favorite flavor – coffee. Plus, make it creamy and ooh-la-la, so delicious! Here is a recipe that combines those two flavors for a drink that can be used as a punch at your next party.

Maple Coffee Punch

The Ingredients

8 cups hot water
½ cup instant coffee
2 tbsp. vanilla extract
2 cups pure maple syrup
2 cups heavy cream
Ice cubes


  • Bring water to boil in large pot.
  • Add instant coffee, vanilla extra and maple syrup. Stir well.
  • Allow to cool a bit before placing in refrigerator to chill overnight.
  • When ready to serve, pour into punch bowl and add heavy cream.
  • Stir to combine ingredients, and then add ice.
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Mocha Coconut Iced Coffee